Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Finally more pictures!

Well, I'm finally getting around to posting another blog because I finally got some new pictures to put up (mostly of the past couple of weeks that we've been in training, but there are a couple of the village) and we finally have a good enough internet connection for it to take less than 3 hours to upload pictures. I hope you enjoy them!

Here we are grinding shea nuts (the same ones used in Shea Butter found in the states) which they extract the oil from for both cooking and to use on their skin.

Well, Daniel & Erica and Dan...it looks like my painting ministry didn't stop with your projects in the States! Here I am helping my friend to re-mud the walls inside her hut. It looked pretty nice once we got finished, but all of the color that you see was mudded over and now it is a solid dirt color.

THIS is the environment we had to endure before our training began. Life is so hard...

And here is my friend, Krystal, and I being beach bums together.

We got to go four-wheeling on the beach. It was SOO much fun!

We got a little volleyball time in, too. I really think I got a taste of what heaven will be like one day (except then I'll be able to jump high enough to reach pretty far over the net).

We also played some pretty competitive games of badminton. I got to be teamed up with our supervisor "Nafi" for two different series and although we did pretty well, we didn't win either one.

The best part was just hanging out and having fun with our brothers and sisters who we do not get to see enough of.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Connie!

I've read this blog a month ago...and now finally am leaving a comment. :)

I'm fascinated by the picture of grinding the shea nut!

Have a blast in Him there!

with much love,
sera :)