Saturday, October 18, 2008

Life after Mali

So I know it's been a while since I used this blog, but MANY people are asking me what my plans are for after I leave the field and since I'm tired of typing/explaining it over and over, this should give me a place to refer everyone to. Enjoy!

For the first couple of months, I plan on living with my parents and spending time with my family back in Ohio, but after that it's off to work I go again. I'd love to see that be back in DC, but I guess that will depend on where Dad opens up job opportunities for me.

Having been here and doing what I'm doing, I feel like going back to a 9-5 to bring home a paycheck would be doing myself a dis-service.

My job before coming here was not exciting (to me) and not something I have a passion for at all. I think it would be great to be able to do something that I have a passion for when I get back to the States.

Now I'm not saying I have to do ministry work...I have a passion for kids (especially special needs kids) and the underprivileged as well, but ministry is probably what kind of job would fit that 'passion seeking' side.

However...I have no seminary currently, so I may have a tough time finding that kind of job.

I'd like to TAKE seminary, but I'm not sure what I'll be doing WHILE taking seminary and before I'm finished with it. I may have to take another job that I'm less-than-passionate about in order to pay the bills.

So that's pretty much it in a nutshell. Feel free to lift it up for me!